Young Researcher Award @ Lady Tata Memorial Trust


Lady Tata Memorial Trust (LTMT) annually recognize and reward young Indian scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences with a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems related to human diseases and potential for high quality research


Eligibility . The Award is open to Indian Nationals, residing in India, who are below the age of 40 years as on 31st March 2015. . The applicant should possess a PhD degree in any Biological Science or a Master s degree in Medical Sciences, or an equivalent degree in Biotechnology related areas. The applicant must have at least 4 years professional experience in the specific area after obtaining the above degree. . Applicant must have a regular position in a University / Organization / Institute in India and should be engaged in research and development and have publications arising from research done as an independent investigator in India.


Scholarship details: The amount of Award will be Rs.25, 000 per month plus a contingency grant of Rs.5 lakhs per annum, in addition to the regular salary drawn from the host Institute How to apply . Application form along with separate summary sheets may duly be submitted online on by the host institute as per pro forma given on site. . The candidate must forward the application through the Director of a recognized Research Institute or Laboratory where he / she proposes to work. . The application should be addressed to The Secretary, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, Bombay House, 24HomiMody Street, Mumbai 400 001.


Selection procedure The selected applicants will be called for an interview in the middle / third week of March 2015 and based on personal interview, one young researcher will be awarded and announced by the end of March 2015. Last date: 15th January 2015